Time zone: CST
Liz is an Integral Bodywork Therapist and coach with a background in Core Energetics, Somatic Psychotherapy and Subtle Energy Work. She is also a certified Relateful facilitator and works with the integration of body, mind and subtle energies using diverse tools such as touch, massage therapy, energy work and conversational modes of therapy akin to coaching.
“I consider my own gift to be helping people see their inner natural beauty, bring more clarity on what their challenges might be in the present moment, tune into their unique gifts and develop more loving and balanced ways of relating to themselves and others”.
In case people want to know more about me:
I was born a free spirit in Mexico City to very loving and present parents, and lived most of my childhood and teens in a little town outside the city. Since I was a little girl I’ve always been mesmerized by the beauty around me in nature and in people and very intrigued by darkness, God and all things unknown and mysterious. I feel very energized by a good challenge.
When I was 15 years old, my parents sent me to Belgium for a year, and there I became passionate about creativity, connection, different cultures and adventures. I wanted very much to be a singer and have always been deeply interested in how people’s minds work.
I studied Scenic Arts and Performance in Spain for 4 years and majored in TV acting in Mexico City where I worked on stage and in television for 7 years. I had a lot of fun but always felt a sense that I didn’t belong there, that something was missing and a call to do greater things with my life. My heart was restless and there was a longing for my life to be in service of others. As a result of that major crisis I decided to travel to India where I really got the chance to face my shadows, know my strengths and discover my gifts. I studied Tibetan Buddhism in various retreat centers in India and Nepal, had the honor to learn from incredible teachers and masters like Lama Zopa Rinpoche, and deepened my meditation and yoga practice.
Returning from India I decided to leave TV and showbiz behind and deepen my studies of the Mind, the Body and subtle energies.
I currently live in Mexico with my husband Philip and my son Alexander, where we are bringing our love and gifts to the Latin American community and the world.
Coaching sessions last for 1 hour, and can be conducted by video call, audio, or in person.
A discounted 4 session package for $500.