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Micro-Transformation: Be Triumph-Informed ⚖️

3things jordan myska allen micro-transformations personal growth relatefulness stayinlove Feb 24, 2022

But Jordan, isn't this a recipe for "spiritual bypassing?" Could be... don't do that. You can try it now—use triumph-awareness as a resource to bring whatever energy needs to be moved through you into. Eg:

1. Notice Something You're Bypassing Right Now. Doesn't have to be big.
2. Turn Your Attention to Triumph. You're already here. What's it like?
3. Bring the Bypassed feeling into the Triumph-Feels.

You don't have to choose one or the other. Try it with relatefulness in a Relateful Co session. (For more on this, check out the A Course in Miracles idea of Bringing Illusions to Truth).


With love, Jordan


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