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Maybe there's Nothing Wrong With You 😇

3things jordan myska allen personal growth relatefulness stayinlove Dec 08, 2022


Almost all of the world’s wisdom traditions point out that this idea of something being wrong with us is a mistake. In Christianity we’re pre-forgiven—”The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand” because God loves us no matter what and judgment isn’t up to us anyway. In Zen Buddhism we’re reminded that we’re already enlightened, and everything that we think is in the way of this recognition is empty (illusion). 

How much of your effort to heal yourself reiterates this assumption that life is an awful place, with the danger of trauma and retraumatization around every corner? How much is that assumption itself a smoke screen to keep from looking within at the illusory belief that you’re bad, not enough, or unworthy? I think a lot.

Seeing this calls into question the assumption that we need to be enough to live well. Our imperfections are totally welcomed in the unconditional yes of the present moment. This unconditional yes to experience is love. It’s waiting to work with you in collaboration for moving beyond the trauma mindset into ever more honest, loving and thriving versions of you.


With love, Jordan


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