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Sociosomnia the News 📰: Ukraine-Russia

3things jordan myska allen personal growth relatefulness sociosomnia stayinlove Mar 03, 2022


We can interpret the news just like we interpret movies, books, songs, and dreams—bringing our collective unconsciousness into awareness. Often this is difficult because we know that movies and dreams are illusions, and most of us consider the news “reality.” Our hearts feel compassion with real people’s real suffering, so it’s harder to use the headlines as a Rorschach to see our own outpictured demons (and angels).

But we relatefulness practitioners are good at being with many perspectives in one awareness. So let’s do it! Let’s allow our hearts to break in compassion with Ukrainians and Russians, all while asking: what does what we see say about us? This is another thought-in-progress. What do these symbolize: Putin, Zelensky, Starlink satellites, NATO, War, 🌻? What do their interactions tell us about who we are as a species now? Does this new perspective offer any kind of guidance?

I don’t have answers, but I trust certain questions. I don't have answers, but I trust certain processes. Relatefulness highlights how all the labels we apply to happenings—like news stories—are symbolic. We see choices in how we make sense of stuff, we see how that constructs our experience, and we get new options. Horrific acts of violence can be imbued with meaning, opening possibility amongst the devastation. A workable way forward can become clear.

What do we see, and what's it say about us? Start a deeper conversation somewhere such as The Relateful Company (CircleAnywhere), stay attuned to the capacities of the relationship in the moment, and let us know how it goes.


With love, Jordan


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