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Easy (non) Nondual mistakes ☯️

3things jordan myska allen nonduality personal growth partial truths relatefulness spirituality stayinlove Apr 20, 2023


Out of all things can be made a unity, and out of unity, all things.” - Heraclitus

Many spiritual practices emphasize waking up to our natural state as presence / Christ / Buddha—inner peace, unity with God. Sometimes this is summed up as “truth”. Many personal growth practices emphasize good living in the world of form—psychological health, service, justice, success and thriving. Sometimes this is summed up as “love”. I—and the relateful practice—hold that both are inseparably and interpentratingly one. We don’t always get it right, but we attempt to embrace both as a unity.

Overemphasizing either one can lead to distortions. When I solely pursue truth, I often end up bypassing aspects of experience that are painful, uncomfortable, intimate, and important in the relative world. I can end up ignoring that other people, contexts, and receptivity are included in truth. And when I practice only loving what is, I often reify self-concepts, shore up “the ego”, build up narcissistic tendencies. I ignore the creativity that is the fabric of existence, and keep myself stuck unnecessarily in suffering, when change is part of the is for me to love.


With love, Jordan


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