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Construct Choices: "Energy Wanting to be Loved" rather than "Generational Wound" 👻

3things jordan myska allen personal growth relatefulness stayinlove Feb 24, 2022


What if we re-label the phenomenon people call "healing generational wounds" as "archetypal-energy asking to be loved"? This kind of framing is a way to orient toward health and empowerment.

Imagine for example there's a sort of timeless entity (metaphorical language) called "betrayal" that makes itself known in my great grandfather's life: He gets betrayed. But he's not capable of being with it, despite the 'entity' knocking on the door of my g-gpa's experience—he gets betrayed over and over again. Like a cat that adopts its owner, this energy adopted this lineage/culture as the one that's going to love it, so it shows up again in my grandma's life. And again in my mom's. And finally in mine. Each successive generation is getting more and more capable of being with the spirit-of-betrayal, and so it softens in their lives, showing up less often and less painfully.

This is a thought-in-progress. Perhaps you can come up with a better model or metaphor that carries the essence of what I'm saying. In fact—please let me know! Try starting a conversation on our FB group.


With love, Jordan


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