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Integrated metaphysics of inside and outside, based on phenomenology 🔀

3things jordan myska allen personal growth relatefulness stayinlove Jan 11, 2024


Sometimes I think it’s silly when people try to pretend like subject experience isn’t a part of everything, at least relative to what we can know. Since we’re subjective experiencers, who are always having an experience as long as we’re aware/alive/conscious, it seems like whatever we think up will at least always be happening inside of our in-the-moment experience.

But today in conversation I realized people who think “consciousness comes first” are making the exact same mistake, but the other way around! Since our experiencing is happening in a world—at least as far as we can tell, how could we ever talk about consciousness separate from the world we inhabit? You can claim that consciousness and matter are really two sides of the same coin, and have that experience, but to give one primacy over the other seems like a perceptual denial, at least from this view.


With love, Jordan


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