Hannah Aline Taylor’s “I am the one” 🎪
Jan 23, 2025
Scene: A weekend workshop at an AirBNB. People are making coffee and eating breakfast before the morning session starts. Jordan is taking out the trash.
Hannah, with sincerity: “Thank you for taking out the trash!”
Jordan (looks surprised by the sincerity): “I love how appreciative you are. With the way you say it, I trust you mean it.”
Hannah: "Yeah, since 'I am the one', I’m responsible for everything that needs to be done, which means anything you do means I have to do less. So I really am grateful and take it as a gift”.
Being with Hannah gave me the strongest positive transmission for ‘claiming your experience’ in relationship that I’ve ever seen. In case you hadn’t already gotten it, owning/claiming your experience is really, really, really not about the language you use (although that can help). It’s about how you relate to everything. The upshot is that instead of feeling resentment for all the things other people aren’t doing for me, I can consider whatever they’re doing, no matter how small, as a bonus that takes something off my plate.
What’s great about this is that it honors what’s already true, whether we like it or not, in some deep sense that goes all the way down to survival.
At first glance, it might seem like too much responsibility, but there’s no assumption that you’ll ever be enough or that you could do it all. Which means the result is almost infinite gratitude. Absolutely everything I don’t have to do is something that helps me with an impossible set of tasks.
Hannah is a Key Presenter at Relateful Camp, where she’ll share more about her Village Principles including #1, “I am the one” but I’ve been recommending her since I discovered the epic Abundantly Boundaried course. I also love her substack.
With love, Jordan
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