Micro-transformation: Awareness of Awareness 👁️🗨️
Mar 21, 2024
In other words, imagine you’re feeling something you don’t want to, like frustration because your child won’t go to sleep. Not that this is personal experience or anything 🙂
You’re aware that you’re frustrated. You can’t not be. Now, what’s the feeling/quality of being aware?
If you're scanning this email, you're aware of your scanning. What's the awareness like—not the scanning, the knowing of the scanning?
We can talk about this stuff—the space within which experiences occur—just like any other experience. We can share it. It can be vulnerable—what if people think I’m heady? What if I am heady? What if they don’t understand me and I feel more alone? What if they don’t understand me and I don’t feel alone? Who am I, if the self I normally look at is something I can now see?
What if I can’t convey what awareness is like accurately? Of course you can’t. You can’t convey your perception of the color blue accurately, or the sense of clothing on your skin, or what a particular friendship feels like. We all settle for some infinitesimal abstraction of the infinity of being to communicate, and somehow it works anyway.
We're learning. You're helping. As the relateful community, we're all researchers. What are the best practices for talking about the medium of happening? What terms make sense? We learn from each other how to talk about this, relating as awareness, seeing what’s possible. There are infinite nuances. I’ve written about some of them in this blog before. Let's keep going. Let’s have fun.
With love, Jordan
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